Remote education technologies in online training
Dr.Med., Professor I.L. Levina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Artemyev1
1Novokuznetsk Institute (branch) of Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk
Objective of the study was to identify the main difficulties and limitations in the application of the information and communication technologies in the process of remote/ distance education and training.
Methods and structure of the study. For the study purposes, we conducted an online survey of the official group VKontakte (, which involved a questionnaire survey and a written poll relating to the organization of online training in the quarantine period of March-April 2020. More than 240 respondents were subject to the questionnaire survey. About 100 more people answered in length and in free form. The questionnaire survey form offered three groups of questions, three questions each. All questions were focused on the peculiarities and specifics of online training.
Results of the study and conclusions. The opinion poll of the coaches, athletes and their parents helped identify the peculiarities of online training and their orientation, as well as the difficulties and limitations of mainstreaming this form of training. The authors conclude that remote/ distance or online training in terms of quarantine and self-isolation are an effective means to prevent a prolonged break in the educational and training process at all levels. Among the difficulties in putting them into practice is the insufficient level of psychological and technical preparedness of coaches for remote work using remote education technologies.
Keywords: quarantine, educational and training process, online training, remote education technologies.
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