General trend in number of Moscow children engaged in tennis


PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Balaeva1
Postgraduate D.P. Lyulekin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to explore trends and spot the main reasons for the declining number of tennis players among children as they get older.
Methods and structure of the study. The sample was made of the clients of 10 Moscow tennis clubs (monthly attendance - 200 people). As part of the study, we interviewed the clients (parents with children) and administrative staff of the tennis centers. The study was carried out from February 1, 2020, through February 7, 2020. The following indicators were determined: age groups of the clients, number of groups within each age range; average number of children in the groups.
Results of the study and conclusions. Proceeding from the data obtained, the authors noted a strongly pronounced tendency towards a decrease in the number of tennis players among Moscow children as they get older. The greatest drop in the number of trainees begins at the age of 12. By this time, children have generally been playing tennis for more than three years.
In the authors’ opinion, the reasons for this drop in the number of tennis players are the lack of involvement of young tennis players in sports life: tournaments, surroundings, training camps, etc. At this date, all competitions in the Russian Federation are held under the auspices of the Russian Tennis Federation. Accordingly, all children play in the same league. Due to the insufficient number of tournaments organized for this category of tennis players, the level of each competition held in Moscow is very high. This, in turn, prevents those children who have started tennis practices later than most of their peers or are unable to train more than twice or thrice a week from participating in the competitions. The competitive component is among the most important motivational components of the process of training of young athletes. The authors expect that regular participation in the tennis tournaments and meeting an equal opponent will encourage more children to continue their tennis practices as they get older and will have a positive impact on the quantitative trend among Moscow children.

Keywords: statistics on children playing tennis, tennis practices at age of 5-18, children’s tennis in Moscow.


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