Subjectivity in formation of technique of motor actions


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.V. Eregina
Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the nature of manifestation of subjectivity in the formation of the technique of motor actions.
Methods and structure of the study. The article explores the approaches to the traditional motor training model, considers the training process with regard to its subjectivity, defines the criteria of subjectivity in all its manifestations during technical training.
Results and conclusions. A systemic approach was used to identify the cognitive processes associated with motor training. The trainees were found to have improved sensation, perception, representation, imagination and other processes affecting the "bodily" knowledge of the technique of a specific motor action. When mastering the technique of motor actions, perception occurs through the use of another person’s motor experience. A student forms his concept of motor actions based on the analysis of his impressions and muscle motor sensations. The analysis of the muscle motor sensations when performing motor actions helps receive specific impressions integrally. The analysis of the associated sensations was carried out on the basis of repetition of movements; it is characterized by the fact that a person "meets himself for the first time". This is due to the separation of all subjective in a sensation. This approach marks the beginning of "self-perception". Self-perception is a sense of own qualities and properties. The memorization of movements, where all elementary movements of the arms, legs, torso, and head, as well as combined movements become subject to a person’s will only after they have been memorized. The formation of experiential knowledge is determined by the level of mental development of a person, which consists in the multiplication of the number of mental comparisons of movements and the symbolization of the subjects of thought.
The developed criteria of subjectivity in the process of mastering the technique of motor actions warrant further investigation given the specific features of sports. Such an approach can be used in application to athletes of different ages, which will promote their self-development and increase their interest in the chosen sport.

Keywords: training, subjectivity, attention, motor memory, logical thinking.


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