Informative indicators of sports selection of children for beginner sports orienteering groups
PhD, Associate Professor D.S. Yakushev
Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Smolensk
Objective of the study was to identify and scientifically substantiate the criteria for sports selection of children for sports orienteering groups at the beginner training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. The key characteristics of the structure and content of the initial selection of 8-9 year-old boys for sports orienteering groups were validated through the factor analysis of individual complex components of integral preparedness of the trainees, which enabled to provide the main methodological recommendations for further optimization of the processes of sports selection and training of 8-9 year-olds at the beginner training stage.
Results and discussion. The factor analysis revealed that the initial selection of 8-9 year-olds for sports orienteering groups at the beginner training stage should be based on the assessment of the most informative morphological (13.8%) and psychophysiological (15.6%) characteristics of the children, as well as their special physical (25.1%) and intellectual (19.8%) abilities. The morphological information model of an 8-9 year-old orienteering athlete consists of the following indicators: body length and body mass; leg length; length of the upper leg, lower leg; shoulder circumference; muscle mass and fat mass. The physical information model is determined by the control exercises that primarily characterize the overall and special endurance levels. The most significant sports selection indicator in sports orienteering is special endurance, which helps maintain the high speed of running when covering the competitive distance. The functional and psychophysiological information models of an 8-9 year-old orienteering athlete are based primarily on the cardiovascular and central nervous system functionality rates. In determining the level of intellectual performance, it is spatial perception of the movement direction that should be taken into account.
Keywords: sports selection; morphological, intellectual, functional, psychophysiological, physical characteristics, beginner training, sports orienteering.
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