Differentiated speed-strength training of football academy trainees using weight machines


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Antipov1
P.V. Makeev2
1Moscow State Regional University, Mytishchi
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the differentiated speed-strength training of football academy trainees using weight machines.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out on the basis of the sports academy of the football club "Lokomotiv" (Moscow, Russia) from 2017 through 2020. The differentiated methodology for the development of the speed-strength abilities of football players using weight machines was implemented in the preparatory period of the one-year training cycle.
The following exercises were used to develop the subjects’ strength and speed-strength abilities:
"Seated hip adduction"; "Seated hip abduction"; "Seated leg curls"; "Lying leg curls"; "Lat pulldowns"; "Lying leg press"; "Arm adduction and abduction"; "Incline bench sit-ups". The level of development of the football players’ strength abilities was assessed using the tensodynamometry method, which helped not only identify the maximum strength rates in the muscle groups performing a major physical load in the game but also assess the speed-strength capacities manifested in a strength gradient.
Results and conclusions. The dynamometric test results showed that the strength abilities of the football players of "Lokomotiv" (Moscow) were actively developed both in the process of natural ontogenesis and under the influence of targeted sports training. Intensive growth of the maximum strength rates and strength gradient in different age periods allows managing their development and improve body functionality, thus contributing to the improvement of sports skills.

Keywords: football academy, speed-strength training, differentiated approach, weight machines, game position.


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