Design of integrated evaluation of gifted children
Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr.Hab., Professor S.D. Neverkovich1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
A.V. Nazarov2
V.V. Danilov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Autonomous non-profit physical culture and sports organization "BE A CHAMPION", Moscow
Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of integrated testing of gifted children and their selection for specific sports sections conducted within the framework of the project "BE A CHAMPION".
Results and conclusions. Traditionally, the system of complex testing includes pedagogical, biomechanical, biomedical, and psychological monitoring, but as a rule, not in full but within a selective system. The innovative project "BE A CHAMPION" brings all the above testing methods together, and also uses modern certified equipment to determine the functional status of children and their propensity to certain types of physical activity.
The innovative platform "BE A CHAMPION" covers 8 subjects of the Russian Federation: the Kaliningrad, Rostov, Moscow, Samara, and Omsk Regions, Krasnodar and Primorsk Territories, St. Petersburg. A total of 19,967 children aged 6-12 years had been subjected to the complex tests by September 1, 2020.
The project is deemed perspective not only due to the high efficiency and variety of the selected research methods but also due to the age coverage in the sample population, as well as the gradual extension of the boundaries of the innovative platform "BE A CHAMPION" towards modern and otherwise sports technologies.
Keywords: sports selection, children, complex testing, physical qualities, functional capabilities, anthropometric study, biomedical measurements.
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