Anniversary of Russian projects: history and prospects
Dr. Hab., Professor T.V. Mikhailova1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.Yu. Melnikova1
Dr.Sc.Phil., Professor V.I. Stolyarov1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to conduct a historical analysis and pool the experience in the establishment and development of two Russian projects: "SPART (SpArt)" and "sports and humanistic movement".
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, we pooled the content, implementation results, national and international significance, as well as the prospects for two Russian projects - "SPART (SpArt)" and "Sports and Humanist Movement", which were developed at the SCOLIFK in 1990 (author - prof. V.I.
Results and discussion. The historical analysis shows that the "SpArt" project has been run since 1991 through the organization of the health-promoting and recreational "SpArt" games, clubs, and camps. They involved individuals of different ages, genders, different levels of physical, athletic and artistic training, various interests, occupations, etc. In the following years, the "SpArt" games involved students of general academic schools, boarding schools, elementary and secondary vocational education institutions from various regions of the Russian Federation. The "SpArt" games have also been presented in other countries. The theoretical analysis and generalization of the long-term experience in the implementation of the "SpArt" project and other closely related social- pedagogical actions ("SpArt" clubs, schools, camps, etc.) testify to their high social and personal importance. The authors note that the project for the formation and development of the sport and humanistic movement, which has not been implemented yet, is important for the modern sport movement. The value of the project is determined by the fact that the problem lies not only in the declarative but also in the real realization of humanistic values in sports. which has become the subject of intense debate due to the commercialization and professionalization of Olympic sports. This problem is relevant in connection with the commercialization and professionalization of Olympic sports, as well as the events of 2018-2019 in the Olympic movement.
Keywords: innovative projects, "SpArt" project , sport and humanistic movement, integration of sports and arts.
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