Component structure of modern corporate sports
Postgraduate N.G. Kotova
Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka, Moscow Region
Objective of the present study was to define the concept of corporate sports and its components in the system of physical education and sports.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted a theoretical analysis of the definition of the concepts of physical education and sports components, formed based on the trainee’s line of activity and studied the scientific materials on corporate sports and its systematization within the corporate culture of different companies.
Results of the study and conclusions. In the course of the theoretical analysis, the author reveals the structure of corporate sports, including its main components formed based on the corporate events related to the physical culture and sports activities and meeting specific business challenges within the company, including competitive activity itself and special training for this activity, industrial physical culture.
The author defines corporate sports as part of sports aimed at physical education and vocational training of the working population, their involvement in the physical education and sports activities, in particular those organized under the programs of a specific company.
The author explains that it should be defined as a separate area, as part of which individual physical education and athletic training programs are developed for a specific group of people with individual physical development and health characteristics.
Keywords: corporate sport, mass sports, organization, corporate culture.
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