Sport values in aspect of sociological analysis
PhD, Associate Professor A.E. Zubkov
Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm
Objective of the present study was to identify the attitudes of different groups and categories of sports community towards the current issues of sport ethics.
Methods and structure of the study. As part of the study, we developed a questionnaire and surveyed 288 respondents in 2019-2020. The sample included the athletes of different qualifications, coaches, employees of different sports organizations, students of sports schools, teachers, and students of higher educational institutions in Perm, as well as those who had not declared in favor of sports. M. Rokeach’s "value orientation" methodology was used to study the personality orientation of the respondents to the survey. The clustering (grouping) method was used to analyze the respondents' replies. The mathematical data processing was performed using the software application SPSS (Stаtisticаl Pаckаge for the Sociаl Sciences
Results of the study and conclusions. The respondents’ replies were mixed and contradictory, which limited the ability to interpret them unambiguously. According to the authors, this was due to two reasons: 1) the complexity and contradiction of the subject proposed to the respondents for evaluation and judgment - sports in its present state; 2) the blurred, contradictory moral and philosophical attitudes of the respondents.
Opinions on the inadmissibility for athletes of being false to the principle of a "fair play", intentional use of rude words and attempts to deceive the referee, as well as on the unfair sanctions for a doping violation against the Russian athletes were predominant and supported by the majority of the respondents.
The analysis of the variety of the athletes’ motives to be false to the principle of a "fair play", presented in the respondents’ replies, enabled to distinguish four types of the moral consciousness of an athlete: idealistic, realistic, self-truthful, and marginal, which may be the determinants of his/her behavior in competitive situations.
Keywords: Olympic ideals, sport ethics, sanctions for a doping violation, sociological poll, moral consciousness.
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