Psychological features of coping behavior of adolescent sambo wrestlers after injury


PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Savchenko1
PhD V.V. Kozyreva1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: sambo athletes, psychological characteristics, physical injury.

Introduction. Getting physical injury at competitions, as well as outside them, is accompanied by interruption of competitions and training, and in cases of serious injuries - withdrawal from sports activities. A traumatic situation can have different effects on the personality of an athlete and be accompanied by various reactions [1].
The aim of the research is to study psychological features of the coping behavior of adolescent athletes who have received injury.
Methodology and organization of the research. The research involved 30 sambo athletes with the third sports category to the title of master of sports, whose average age was 19.7 years. The research was organized and conducted on the basis of the autonomous non-profit organization “School of martial arts “MSK TRI MEDVEDYA”.
To collect empirical material, the following methods were used: “Scale of subjective well-being” (A. Perrud-Badou, G.A. Mendelssohn, J. Shish, adapted by M.V. Sokolova); “Methods of coping behavior” (R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, adapted by T. L. Kryukova, E. V. Kuftyak, M. S. Zamyshlyaeva); "Diagnostics of the degree of readiness to take risks" (A.M. Schubert); “The scale for assessing the level of situational and personal anxiety” (Ch.D. Spielberg, Yu.L. Khanin). Mathematical calculations were carried out using the method of mathematical statistics Student's t-test.
The study results and their discussion. At the beginning of the study, we divided sambo athletes into two groups based on their response to injury. For this purpose, we used the methodology “Scale of subjective well-being”, according to which the subjective level of the athletes’ well-being can be determined by the total score. As a result of the diagnostic examination according to the above mentioned method, the sambo wrestlers were divided into two groups: conditionally disadvantaged (16 people) and conditionally advantaged (14 people). Such division into two groups of athletes is confirmed by statistically reliable differences on all scales of this method.
As a result of the study of coping strategies among advantaged and disadvantaged sambo athletes, statistically significant differences were obtained in terms of such indicators as: “confrontational coping” (temp = 2.8 at p <0.05), “Search for social support” (temp = at 2.9 p <0.05), “Escape-avoidance” (temp = 3.1 at p <0.05), as well as “Problem solving planning” (temp = 2.5 at p <0.05). The obtained results show that losing in competitions or getting injured by disadvantaged athletes is felt like an uncontrollable event that does not depend on their own diligence and efforts.
Conditionally disadvantaged athletes are most at risk compared to conditionally advantaged athletes (9.19 and 6.43 respectively), which suggests that conditionally disadvantaged athletes who are trying to perform well in sport can take risks with ease, but this risk is not always justified.
Finally, the group of conditionally disadvantaged sambo athletes is characterized by an increased level of both situational and personal anxiety (SA - 39.06 and PA - 41.06) compared to the group of conditionally advantaged athletes (SA - 29.36 and PA – 31.93 respectively), this means that disadvantaged athletes are most concerned even when the situation is not really dangerous.
Conclusions. The obtained results confirm the assumption that conditionally advantaged athletes who quite successfully overcome an injury, resort to the most adaptive coping strategies, as well as that the group of conditionally disadvantaged sambo wrestlers has the highest indicators of personal and situational anxiety in contrast to athletes who are conditionally successful.

1. Leonov S.V. Psychology of sports injury / S.V. Leonov, S.A. Isaychev // Psychology of sports: monograph. M .: MSU, 2011. - 424  p.

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