Physical education in context of current problems in higher education
PhD, Professor V.N. Egorov1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.A. Gluzman2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Antipov3
1Tula State University, Tula
2V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea
3Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the contemporary problems of physical education in the context of the transformation of educational paradigms and state higher education standards.
Methods and structure of the study. During the study, we applied a battery of theoretical methods including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization of paradigmatic approaches in higher education, as well as traditional and alternative educational concepts of physical education.
Results and conclusions. We identified the orientation of the scientific paradigms in education; made a theoretical generalization of the accumulated knowledge and experience in the field of physical education from the perspective of the paradigmatic approach; showed the role and place of physical education in the structure of the state higher education standards; disclosed the structural and content base of the thematic sections of the sample physical education program.
Based on the results of the theoretical analysis, the authors conclude that the current reality of higher education implies the implementation of alternative concepts of educational activity into the long-standing traditional teaching practice. The contradiction between the objective requirements of the society for the level of development of physical education competences and the prevalence of a practical-oriented approach to the formation of educational functions necessitates the development of a theoretical-methodological grounds for educational technologies from a paradigmatic perspective. In terms of actualization of the Federal State Education Standard, the higher education standard ensures that mandatory requirements are met when future specialists develop competencies to support an adequate level of physical fitness to provide for full-fledged social and professional activities.
Keywords: physical education, educational paradigm, higher education, educational standard, sample program.
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