Fitness of secondary schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities for GTO tests
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Klimova1
Dr. Hab., Professor L.N. Voloshina1
PhD, Associate Professor Ya.V. Strelkova1
PhD T.A. Mironova1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
Objective of the study was to determine how fit the 11-12-year-old boys with intellectual disabilities diagnosed with mild mental retardation and minimal cerebral dysfunction are for GTO complex tests.
Research methods and structure. The research methods included analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of medical records, physical development rating, pedagogical testing (3 compulsory tests and 3 elective GTO tests), methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 40 schoolchildren, 20 boys in the age of 11 and 12 years, with intellectual disabilities.
Research results and conclusions. The study revealed the inharmonious development of the surveyed contingent, due to the predominance of body weight and a decrease in growth parameters. The first testing at the beginning of the school year found that the development of physical qualities in boys of both ages is lower than the established bronze badge GTO standards. A clear lag in development is observed in the endurance, strength and speed-strength qualities indices. The second test at the end of the year showed the statistically significant growth in some of the studied indices in both of the groups. Some of tests were performed by the testees in compliance with the bronze badge standards, however, none of the testees got through all GTO tests. The results obtained confirm the problems in the development of physical qualities in the 11-12-year-old boys with intellectual disabilities, which correlates with the current research results and aims at the systemic comprehensive training of the children for GTO tests during class time and extracurricular activities.
Keywords: fitness, RPCSC GTO, intellectual disabilities, tests.
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