Hormonal status monitoring in qualified judokas during trainings


Dr.Biol., Professor A.R. Tuguz1
B.A. Nepso1
PhD D.V. Myzhenya2
PhD, Associate Professor N.Kh. Kagazezheva1
PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Kolomiytseva1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
2Maykop Technological University, Maykop

Objective of the study was to monitor the serum hormone concentrations in qualified judokas of the Adygea Republic to assess the degree of their adaptation to training loads.
Methods and structure of the study. The concentrations of testosterone, cortisol, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in the judokas of the republic of Adygea were studied by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA "Vector-Best", Russia). The tests were carried out during the training cycle after the rehabilitation period (1st point - basal level) and at the end of the 2-day intensive combined training (2nd point). The hormone concentration ratios were determined by means of Pearson correlation analysis as part of the software package SPSS Statistics 17.0.
Examined contingent: the group of athletes (n=12) was represented by highly qualified judokas (Masters of Sport, multiple prize winners of the Russian Cup, CIS Championship, European Cup, European Judo Championship), training on the base of the Institute of Physical Education and Judo of Adyghe State University, Republic of Adygea (Maykop) in the tradition of the Olympic Judo Reserve School (coach B.A. Nepso). The Control Group (CG) (n=12) was picked up empirically from the non-sporting unrelated donors aged 18-21 years.
Results and conclusions. The original hormonal profiles of the donors and judokas did not differ statistically significantly and did not exceed the standard values. After intensive trainings, the concentrations of stress hormone cortisol (p≤0.05) and testosterone (p≤0.05) increased, while those of luteinizing hormones, follicle-stimulating hormones, and prolactin decreased. Changes in the hormonal profile of the qualified judokas within the physiological values indicated a high degree of adaptation of their body to physical loads during training activities.

Keywords: qualified judokas, hormone levels, testosterone, cortisol, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.


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