Physical education and sports components of educational programs in children's and youth tourism sector
J.A. Karvunis1
Dr. Med., Professor L.V. Kapilevich1, 2
1National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk
2Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk
Objective of the study was to analyze the supplementary education programs in the field of children's and youth tourism and highlight the specifics of physical education and sports components in their realization.
Methods and structure of the study. At the first stage of the study, we conducted quantitative and content analyses of the supplementary education programs for children and youth in a given region (Tomsk region) implemented within the state personal finance system in the 2019/2020 academic year. The total number of the analyzed tourism-related educational programs amounted to 295. At the second stage, we carried out the content analysis of the selected components of educational programs for individual age groups of students.
Results and conclusions. The results obtained indicate that the physical education and sports components are leading in all tourism-oriented supplementary programs for children and youth. In terms of physical education and sports programs, the predominance of these components over others is characteristic of all age groups. Programs concerned with tourism, local history, natural science, and social pedagogy give priority to the components of the corresponding specialization, however, at the initial stages (9-11 years and 12-13 years), their health and fitness component remains at the forefront until students have completed their training in tourism techniques and technologies.
Keywords: sports tourism, children's and youth tourism, supplementary education.
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