Load testing for athletic training process control


PhD, Associate Professor K.R. Mekhdieva1
PhD, Professor A.V. Zakharova1
PhD N.M. Tarbeeva1
1Ural Federal University named after First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

Keywords: load testing, functional state of athletes, scientific and methodological support, training process management, triathletes.

Background. Functional testing of athletes has been an integral part of the athletic training process over several decades. Tests with dosed physical loads make it possible to objectively evaluate the athletes' current functional state and identify its benefits and drawbacks [4, 5, 7]. Nowadays, load testing is integral to an in-depth medical examination of athletes [2]. However, medical reports are often limited to verification of the physical fitness level or tolerance to physical loads. At the same time, a large array of informative load testing rates does not reach coaches and even more athletes. Thus, the data obtained during in the functional tests are not taken into account in the development and implementation of training programs, which undoubtedly reduces the effectiveness of athletic training.

The current sports and medical practice uses stepwise or ever-increasing load tests to failure (maximum loads) to determine the level of physical development. There is a large number of load tests with the use of different loading devices (treadmill, cycle ergometer, step machine, rowing ergometer, etc.). In this case, cycle ergometry [1] is used most often in terms of accessibility and reproducibility of the results. Load testing with the heart rate registration provides an assessment of tolerance to physical loads, and carrying out such testing with the gas analysis makes it possible to assess the efficiency of oxygen transport and utilization  by the working muscles under the influence of physical loads. It is important to bear in mind that it is gas analyzers that help accurately determine the thresholds of aerobic (AT) and anaerobic (AnT) exchange and maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). The threshold data are a required condition for a correct training process [3, 8], especially in sports with the predominant development of endurance. AnT is important when choosing a rehabilitation measure or zone of development of aerobic capacities. The AnT and MOC rates in athletes reflect their level of training: their shift towards an increase indicates the effectiveness of the training process, while that towards a decrease testifies to an incorrect approach.

Objective of the study was to substantiate the expediency of use of load testing toolkit with application of a gas analyzer for the management of the athletic training process.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 11 triathletes (mean age - 33.4±2.7 years, body length - 181.3±5.2 cm, body weight - 81.8±10.2 kg).

All athletes were informed in detail on the ongoing research goals, test methods, contraindications, possible complications, and gave a written consent for the study and publication of the data obtained. Load testing with the use of the cycle ergometer Schiller Ergosana 911 (Schiller AG, Switzerland) and portable metabolic analyzer FitMate Pro (COSMOED, Italy) was conducted according to the maximal protocol ("to failure") with a constantly increasing load – RAMP protocol developed upon the international recommendations [6]. The subjects were asked to work out on a cycle ergometer at the speed of 80 revolutions per minute (rpm). The test started with a 1-min warm-up (load free), with a continuous increase of load by 40 W/min from the second minute. Throughout the test, we registered the testees' HR (bpm), lung ventilation (LV, l/min), respiration rate (RR, 1/min), oxygen consumption and its maximum rate (O2C and MOC, ml/kg/min). In addition, the loading device used enabled to continuously monitor the level of power achieved - absolute (P, W), relative (P/kg, W/kg) their maximum values (Pmax, W and Pmax/kg, W/kg). The load test was considered maximal if the following conditions were fulfilled: a significant decrease in the cadence due to the impossibility of the lower limbs to maintain the set speed, registration of the objective absolute and relative criteria for stopping the test.

The load testing was conducted twice: in August 2019 - the second half of the competitive period - to obtain the functional indicators typical of a good fitness level in order to plan training macro-cycles for the next season with early participation in international competitions; and in January 2020 - as a measure of the controlled preparatory mesocycle.

Results and discussion. The first test (see Table 1) revealed the following physical fitness features in the triathletes: insufficient relative power Pmax/kg - strength index, low values of MOC, and relative throughput capacity of the respiratory system MLV. At the same time, the AnT level as a percentage of MOC was 80±5.7%, which is a good indicator of training in endurance sports.

Table 1. Load test rates in triathletes in the first and second tests (M±SD) and desired performance rates for athletes


1st test


2nd test


Рmax, W





Рmax/kg, W/kg





MOC, ml/kg/min





HRmax, bpm





HR AnT, bpm





AnT, % MOC





MLV, l/min





MLV/kg, l/min/kg





RR, breaths/min





Note. Рmax, W – maximum power achieved; Рmax/kg, W/kg – relative maximum power achieved; MOC, ml/kg/min – maximal oxygen consumption; HRmax, bpm – maximal heart rate; HR AnT, bpm – heart rate at the level of anaerobic threshold; AnT, % MOC – anaerobic threshold as % of MOC; MLV, l/min – maximal lung ventilation, l/min; RR, breaths/min – respiration rate. Differences are significant at р<0.05.

The low relative power rates indicated insufficient strength of the lower limb muscles and/or muscle endurance (poor mitochondrial component development in the lower limbs and fast motor units) since the average HRmax in the triathletes was less than 180 bpm, i.e, it is most likely that athletes' physical development is limited by their muscular system. At the same time, the high HR values (above 170 bpm) suggest that the respiratory system was at its limit at the end of the test, that is to say, the obtained MLV rates can be considered as the throughput capacity of the respiratory system and considered as insufficient. When HR is low at the moment of failure, it is incorrect to judge the performance of the respiratory system. It is this condition that is characteristic of athletes with longer sports experience, when the body is well-adapted to physical loads and operates successfully within the limits of the requirements set. However, in order to improve athletic performance, it is important to identify targeted impacts that will bring functional systems to a new level of preparedness.

Therefore, based on the results demonstrated by the triathletes in the first test, it was recommended to plan the athletic training process for the next macrocycle with a primary focus on the development of strength. It was proposed to allow one month of the transition period for hypertrophy of muscles. Strength training, if necessary, is appropriate during the transition period, as the principles of strength training do not contradict the basic approaches to the transition period design: 2-3 training sessions per week, low intensity, change of activity for psychological relief.

The second mesocycle (bad weather for outdoor trainings) was proposed to be centered on the formation of strength endurance, namely on the increase of the oxidizing potential of all working muscles (strength training with weights of 25-30 RM, lunge-walk, resistance swimming, cross-fit trainings, aerobic fitness trainings - not particularly important training tools, what is important here is the training method - aerobic strength training).

Then followed the commonly accepted methods of training of triathletes, where the first mesocycle involved strength endurance training (double polling, resistance swimming, etc.), and the second mesocycle - 30 m and 60 m run, uphill running, 20 m swimming, and cycling up without switching the cadence, while the cross, ski, and cycling trainings were recommended for the median and rough terrains to increase the oxidizing potential of fast and transient motor units in competitive exercises, as well as to intensify the training process, for the respiratory system among others.

The comparative analysis of load test rates after 4 months (see the table) revealed a statistically significant increase in all training indicators and, as a result, in the integral MOC indicator, which is associated with the maximum capacity of the oxygen transport system and depends on many factors: functional state of the cardiorespiratory system, throughput capacity of the respiratory system and athletes' strength abilities [7]. Moreover, the statistically significant increase in the ventilation threshold to 84.4±6.1% also testifies to the effectiveness of the training process of triathletes.

Conclusions. Load testing of athletes using the gas analysis can have a wide field of application: selection of promising athletes, tolerance to physical loads, monitoring of the dynamics of changes in the body of athletes as a result of training, selection of the vector of planning of the training micro- and mesocycles within a one-year training cycle.

Staged monitoring of athletes' states using load testing makes it possible to give the direction to the training impacts, thus increasing the reliability of management and, eventually, the efficiency of the training process.

The study was performed with the financial support from the Government of the Russian Federation pursuant to Decree No. 211, Contract No. 02.A03.21.0006.


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  2. 2. On the procedure for organizing the provision of medical assistance to persons involved in physical education and sports (including the preparation and conduct of physical education events and sports events), including the medical examination procedure for persons wishing to train, to practice physical education and sports in organizations and (or) comply with the test standards (tests) of the Russian physical culture sports complex "Ready for labour and defense": Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 01.03.2016 No. 134n.
  3. 3. Seluyanov V.N. Middle-distance runner training. Study guide. Moscow: SportAkademPress publ., 2001. 104 p.
  4. Pescatello L.S. et al. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 9th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA. 2014.
  5. Albouaini K. et al. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and its application. Postgrad Med J. 2007. Vol. 83. pp. 675-682.
  6. Gibbons R.J. et al. ACC / AHA 2002 guideline update for exercise testing: summary article: a report of the American College of Cardiology. American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2006. Vol. 48. No. 8. 1731 p.
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Corresponding author: kamilia_m@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to substantiate the expediency of use of load testing toolkit with application of a gas analyzer for the management of the athletic training process.

Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 11 triathletes (mean age - 33.4±2.7 years, body length - 181.3±5.2 cm, body weight - 81.8±10.2 kg).

Load testing with the use of the cycle ergometer Schiller Ergosana 911 (Schiller AG, Switzerland) and portable metabolic analyzer FitMate Pro (COSMOED, Italy) was conducted according to the maximal protocol ("to failure") with a constantly increasing load – RAMP protocol developed upon the international recommendations.

Study results and conclusions. The first load testing revealed a low strength index and low oxidizing potential of the leg muscles, insufficient pulmonary ventilation and maximum oxygen consumption, as well as their desired values for triathletes. We substantiated recommendations for planning the training process, namely: increase of the share of physical load directed on hypertrophy of the muscles, strength endurance, increase of oxidizing capacity of the transitional and fast muscle fibers involved in the competitive activity in triathlon.

The comparative analysis of the load test rates in 4 months revealed statistically significant growth of all fitness indices and, as a result, of such integral indicator as maximum oxygen consumption. Consequently, the stage control of load testing of the athletes made it possible to determine the required orientation of training interventions, thus increasing the reliability of management and ultimate efficiency of the training process.