Holistic ecological project "Physical education and sports for all"


Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Grigoryev1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Mokha2
Postgraduate student V.O. Piskun2
1St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg
2Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg

Keywords: action plan, inclusion, innovation, competitiveness, creativity, paradigm, holistic project.

Background. In recent years, a concept of a holistic approach has been introduced in the context of ecosystem formation: the relationship between man and the Universe. Holism as a theory is based on a direct holistic relationship between the material and the spiritual. It is the theory that everything around us is in intimate interconnection, such that they cannot exist independently of the whole; that all kinds of living nature are constantly reviving and transforming in their continuous triumph of unity. The ecosystem is seen as a complex, self-organizing, self-regulating, and self-developing structure.
The relevance of development of a holistic ecosystem of elective physical education courses (EPEC) radically changes the consumer's approach to the man-nature ecosystem.
For the purpose of its realization, an inclusive ecosystem-based holistic project "Physical Education and Sports for All" was developed to lay the groundwork for human capital development. The project conceptual bases are built into the "Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation up to 2030" [1]. Its introduction requires the expansion of the high-tech core of EPEC and the use of innovative creative solutions.
The holistic vector of the project implementation is due to the intertwining of different meanings, which generate the target priorities of physical training of students. The project’s generalizing discourse was as follows: knowledge → creativity → innovation - affiliation with the acquisition of FSES HE 3++ competencies [2]. Context change is achieved through cross-sectoral transformations of servile programs, changes in the vector of acquisition of FSES HE 3++ competencies in short fixed-length sprint cycles.
Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the elective physical education course designed on the basis of a holistic approach.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on the scientometric indices obtained at the first stage of the study, we developed a holistic project "Sports for All". It aims to diversify the means and forms of training, provide its informatization and access to technological resources.
The next stage of the study was to reduce training stochasticity, develop the core competences, and help the students acquire FSES HE 3++ competences. At the second stage, 620 first-year students were tested for physical development and fitness: basic (n=490), preparatory (n=82), special (n=42) training departments, students with health limitations (n=6) - boys and girls aged 18.1±0.4 years. Within the framework of the project, the students were offered swimming, sports game, athletics, and fitness programs. Discorobics and Dance Latino were most popular among the women, while the men opted for Barbell Workout, LB + Stretch, Crossfit. The students of the special training department and those with health limitations were involved in Nordic and dosed walking, advanced control, cardio-step, flex. Modulating the load parameters by rate, amplitude, power, strength, and speed was aimed to improve the regulatory systems functioning. The classes were held according to the academic schedule: 2 times a week for 90 minutes - a total of 144 academic hours. The subjects' fitness level was rated based on the results in the following tests: 100 m, 500 m, and 1000 m run, 50 m swimming, standing long jump, push-ups, pull-ups on the crossbar from the hanging position. The results obtained were processed using a correlation analysis.
Results and discussion. The structure and operational contents of the holistic ecological project "Physical Education and Sports for All" are focused on the integral development of the personality. Three segments are partitioned in the baseline configuration of the pilot project: program → resource → operating, which ensure the continuity of learning and the achievement of the latest trends in physical development.
The criteria-based logic of the project program segment is viewed by I.V. Manzheley at the level of borderline values and conditions for physical development of a "trend field", clusters of competencies within the scope of states set by FSES HE 3++ [4, 6].
The typological commonness of variable objectives-introjections of the educational programs for students with health limitations of the basic, preparatory, and special training departments is expressed in the iterative increase of energy tension during the training session. The diversification of the curricular, extracurricular, and independent (recreational) activities is aimed at the qualitative transformation of EPEC and satisfaction of motor needs.
The resource segment is focused on the parameterization of the informational support and equipment and material procurement for the project. Its feature set is disclosed in the teaching materials, estimate means funds, testing and assessment materials, and final qualification works. The educational process navigation using biogadgets, devices, and trackers has a significant influence on the parameters of training. The proposed functional approach complements the studies of A. Makhov, who stated that the most advanced driver of improvement of the structural-functional order of the project iterations is the determination of sliding effects of adaptation to physical loads, endemic costs, ergogenic effects, and energy intensity of training [2].
In particular, the students of all departments were found to have a close relationship between the amount of time spent on motor activity and the realization of the structural and energy reserves (0.502). The average daily activity of the students of the main training department was 6,000-8,000 locomotions (2.5-3 hrs) or 3,482-3,637 kcal. The amount of motor activity of the students of the preparatory training department ranged within the limits of 6,000-7,000 locomotions (1.5-2 hrs) or 3,182-3,261 kcal. The students of the special training department and those with health limitations, respectively, were found to have 4,000-5,500 locomotions (1-1.5 hrs) or 2642-2,790 kcal. The data obtained define the limits of the amount and direction of training loads and set the training targets corresponding to the ontogenetic and morphofunctional characteristics of students.
The operating segment is focused on the synchronization of the main and secondary processes of training by their goal orientation, organization, and complexity. The singularity of these processes is expressed in a combination of different training loads achieved by synchronizing the tempo and amplitude of movements with the heart rate on the cardio-step, ABT, combo-step, flex tracks. There was a close correlation between the work on the Discorobics (0.641), Crossfit (0.502), Nordic walking (0.472) tracks and the basal metabolism (0.466), PWC170 (0.501) at p0.05, state of the hemodynamic system (0.500) and body fat rate (gmt) (-0.402) at p0.05.
The picture of the increase in the background (spontaneous) motor activity of the girls of the main and preparatory training departments on the Discorobics and Dance Latino tracks is more representative. The track cadences included cases to stimulate plastic and metabolic adjustments. There was a positive trend in the reduction of body fat (gmt) from 28.1±0.1% - by 4.7% and the growth of the muscle component (mmt) from 32.4 0.1% - by 6.9%. The increase in the girth measurements was as follows: chest - from 83.12±0.2 cm - by 6.1%; thighs - from 50.3±0.2 cm - by 4.0%; shins - from 31.2±0.3 cm - by 3.2%; shoulders - from 26.5±0.3 cm - by 2.1% (+0.682). The increase in the average daily energy consumption in the girls from 2780.0±201.0 to 3094.0±140.0 kcal (t=2.1 p 0.05) due to the increase in the amount of training loads led to an increase in the autocatalysis of energy exchange. It was found that the replication of resistant reserves contributed to an increase in the results of the 100 m run test from 17.1±1.1 sec - by 5.4% and in the standing long jump test from 154±2.1 cm - by 4.6% (+0.544).
The parametric algorithmization of strength loads on the Barbell Workout and LB + Stretch and Crossfit tracks, based on the regulation of the "sliding" adaptive effects, led to the deep-seated functional shifts, in particular, the increase in the power and metabolizing tissue mass in the students of the main and preparatory training departments. The analysis revealed that the dynamic improvements in the functioning of the physiological and bioenergy systems contributed to the enhancement of the students' performance in the 100 m run from 14.1±0.1 sec - by 12.1% (-0.708) and in the standing long jump from 215.3±4.1 cm - by 12.7% (+0.645). It is obvious that the increase in the number of pull-ups on the crossbar from the hanging position from 8.2±0.3 reps - by 12.3% (+0.621) and in the number of push-ups from 18.1±0.9 reps - by 14.1% correlated with the improvement of results in deadlift from 64.5±0.4 kg - by 8.6±1.1% and hand dynamometry Dmax - from 39.7±0.2 kg - by 6.8±1%. The technological drivers of growth of management functionality, structuring of training ensure that 32% of students move from the preparatory training department to the main one at the end of the year.
The positive iterations of the Nordic and dosed walking tracks in the special training department and in the students with health limitations were manifested in the synchronization of motor rhythm and hemodynamic functions. The focus was on the parameterization of the main drivers - speed, pace, step length, and heart rate. The data obtained complement the studies by O.V. Mironov on the determination of the functional systems and the stability of regulatory functions when walking with a fixed project linking structure [3].
The exponential growth of students' inclusion indicates the truth of the anthropocentric integration of the project. The embeddedness of new operational management tools into the project is transmitted as a scientific "projection" of achievement of the purpose requirements of FESE HE 3++ in the context of balance, appropriateness, and rationality. Accordingly, positive results require the scientific development of the methodological basis of the project’s innovative potential, understanding the integrity of elective physical education, health and harmony of student youth.
Conclusions. The scientific potential of the holistic project "Physical Education and Sports for All" is centered on the substantiation of the mechanisms ensuring the stable position of EPEC in the system of higher education. The project success is reflected in the dynamics of the body development and functional state of students of different training departments, individual educational routes for training of students, triggers autocatalysis processes, and stimulates attendance.


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  2. Vengerova N.N., Lyuik L.V., Piskun O.E. University implementation of «3+» FSES for physical education. Teoriya i praktika fiz. kultury, 2016, no. 6, pp. 12–14.
  3. Grigoryev V.I., Mironova O.V. Anthropocentrism of project management of elective physical education. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2019. no. 9 (160). pp. 54-58.
  4. Manzheley I.V., Staver O.S. Pedagogical potential of physical culture and sports environment in university. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2011, no. 6, pp. 58-61.
  5. Makhov A.S. Theory and practice of management of development of adaptive sports in Russia. Shuya: Shuya branch of Ivanovo State University publ., 2013, 185 p.
  6. Grigoriev V.I., Piskun O.E., Pogodin S.N. Competency building approach implementation conditions in design of university physical education process. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury, 2016, no. 7, pp. 12-14.

Corresponding author: fizkult@teoriya.ru

Objective of the study was to experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the elective physical education course designed on the basis of a holistic approach.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on the scientometric indices obtained at the first stage of the study, we developed a holistic project "Sports for All". It aims to diversify the means and forms of training, provide its informatization and access to technological resources. At the second stage, 620 first-year students were tested for physical development and fitness: basic (n=490), preparatory (n=82), special (n=42) training departments, students with health limitations (n=6) - boys and girls aged 18.1±0.4 years. Within the framework of the project, the students were offered swimming, sports game, athletics, and fitness programs. The students of the special training department and those with health limitations were involved in Nordic and dosed walking. The classes were held according to the academic schedule: 2 times a week for 90 minutes.
Results and discussion. Three segments are identified in the structure and operational contents of the holistic project "Sports for All": program, resource and operating ones, focused on the transformation of the goal setting, planning, organization, and control functions. The project implementation changes the objective modality of the discipline, increases the quality of physical education services, and ensures the singularity of the training process, peak trends in the athletes’ physical development.