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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture № 6 2020




Jerzy SadowskiTransfer of effect of dry-land resistance training on speed and parameters of swimming technique
S.R. Sharifullina, Yu.K. Zhestkova, O.A. Razzhivin, S.Sh. ChernyshovaFlexibility focused stretching games for beginner rhythmic gymnasts
M.S. Zarubina, L.B. Andryushchenko, Yu.O. Averyasova, Valentina Ginevičienė, I.V. Organ –  3X3 basketball at Tokyo 2020 Olympics: competition organization model
T.A. Zemlyanukhina, T.V. Rybyakova, E.Yu. Podyacheva, T.I. BaranovaFeatures of diving reflex in synchronized swimmers
I.Y. Gorskaya, I.V. Averyanov, E.N. Mironenko  – Overall coordination fitness in football: rating criteria
Dariusz Gierczuk, Igor Cieśliński, Mariusz Buszta, Jerzy SadowskiPhysical fitness profiles of elite freestyle male and female wrestlers
G.M. Ldokova, K.R. Volkova, O.A. Razzhivin, A.N. Panfilov14-18/ 18-23 year old powerlifting groups: trainer-trainee cooperation survey


Andrzej MastalerzVariability of kinematics indicators in shot put technique depending on sports level
A.A. Shalmanov, V.F. Skotnikov Classic weightlifting clean-and-jerk style: ground response and bar control biomechanics analysis
Тоmasz Niźnikowski, Jerzy SadowskiEffects of verbal information on the process of learning round-off – double salto backward tucked during beam dismount
Hubert Makaruk, Marcin StarzakAcute influence of loaded jump squat technique on kinetic variables in track and field athletes


G.R. Shagivaleeva, G.K. Biserova, G. M. LdokovaVoluntary self-regulation of as factor of competitive success of taekwondokas
G.Z. Khalikov, I.G. Gerasimova, I.Sh. Mutaeva, R.E. PetrovFunctional state of middle-distance runners in terms of training correction  
Barbara DługołęckaBone mineral status of young cyclists


O.M. Shterz, Yu.K. ZhestkovaBiological feedback tests assisted emotional control skill training in children’s badminton
S.K. BagadirovaPsychological aspects of design and implementation of training model in judo 
G.K. Biserova, N.G. Gayfullina8-10 year-old fencers’ aggression and response speed rating analysis


E.V. Kargapolova, A.P. Koshkin, N.V. Dulina, Yu.A. DavydovaModern football contributions to youth social capitals: regional specifics


I.V. Maslova, I.E. Krapotkina, V.A. Martynova – Dietary models for physical health and development: historical analysis and current situation
A.P. Strizhak, L.G. Ryzhkova, V.V. Bobkov, M.A. KuzminCircuit training method to train students for GTO complex tests