Organization of Military-Sports Activity in West Siberia on the Stage of Formation of Soviet Power (the Tomsk Province, Beginning of the 1920-s)


T.V. Sarycheva Ph.D.


Organization of Military-Sports Activity in West Siberia on the Stage of Formation of Soviet Power (the Tomsk Province, Beginning of the 1920-s)


T.V. Sarycheva Ph.D.

National research Tomsk politechnic university, Tomsk

Key words: physical culture, history, Siberia.

The purpose of the present paper was to describe organization of military-sport activity in Western SIberia on the stage of formation of the Soviet power.

The introduction of universal military training revealed insufficient physical fitness level of the majority of civil population. These conditions promoted the acute need for mass introduction of citizens to the occupations of physicaL culture and sport. The role of the administrator and coordinator of this type of activity was taken by the Universal Military Training organization.

Nowadays competitive activity in single combat requires increasing the intensity of combats and corresponding athlete's technical preparedness.

The Universal Military Training organization strived for complete control of military-sports activity, providing the capacities for political influence on the common working people.

The Siberian region has approved the overall Russian trend for development of ohysical culture. In the period of formation of the Soviet power physical culture.

In the course of formation of the Soviet power physical culture was within the effect of governmental structures. The Universal Military Training organization was to organize and coordinate sports activity, whereas the Russian Young Communist League added the political consituent to the movement. The collaboration resulted in the mass introduction of the citizens of the country to physical culture, that had not been in Russia before.


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