Labor culture cultivation at physical education lessons in elementary school
PhD, Associate Professor T.M. Pankratovich1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor E.M. Golikova1
Yu.G. Shevorakova1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg
Objective of the study was to identify the effects of physical training on the formation of the elements of labor culture in elementary school.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 4th-graders of Orenburg, who were trained according to the developed methodology, the main principles of which are as follows: the development in schoolchildren of an emotional and value-based attitude to activities; their immersion in productive physical education and sports activities. The development of an emotional and value-based attitude to activities is oriented on schoolchildren's awareness of the value of physical education knowledge, the desire to achieve success and get an approval of teachers, parents, and peers, the desire and interest to work, obtain satisfaction from the work performed - all this determines their motivation for activities. The inclusion of schoolchildren in productive activities implies the formation in them of constructive skills (the ability to plan activities and perform them in accordance with the conditions of the tasks). The planning is aimed to develop in schoolchildren a system of motor actions, techniques, operations, analysis of the conditions for performing tasks, i.e. everything that determines the structure of any labor activity.
Results and conclusions. The introduction in the educational process of a labor training method enabled to attain a higher level of development of its elements: organizational skills (observance of hygienic norms and requirements in the preparation and conduct of physical education classes; observance of safety rules at the places of training, sports equipment; ability to use time efficiently - to complete tasks during class time and non-school hours), self-regulation skills (planning skills; ability to control work performance and analyze the results of work); communication skills (teamwork skills - collaboration, initiative, pro-activeness and creativity in the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events). Besides, the pedagogical interaction of "teacher-student", "student-student", "student-teacher-student" led to the ultimate generalization of knowledge of elementary schoolchildren into a single picture of the world based on man's work experience during the physical education classes.
Keywords: labor culture, junior schoolchildren, education, physical education.
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