Psychomotor skills of preschoolers with minor developmental disorders
PhD, Associate Professor G.A. Butko1
PhD, Associate Professor G.R. Shashkina1
PhD, Associate Professor G.V. Kuznetsova1
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify common features of motor activity of children with minor developmental disorders to determine the most appropriate methods of and approaches to the correction of their psychomotor disabilities.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were children with minor developmental disorders: mental retardation and severe speech disorders. We studied their psychomotor skills using the neuropsychological tests proposed by I.F. Markovskaya for elementary schoolchildren and modified by G.A. Butko for preschoolers.
Results and conclusions. The study showed that the majority of the examined children, including those apparently healthy, had minor organic lesions of the CNS. To correct the motor and psychomotor disorders in the children with minor developmental disabilities, the authors propose including in the corrective process of psychological and pedagogical technologies aimed to develop both general and fine motor skills, as well as the most essential movement components that form the basis of normal psychomotor development of a child: visual-spatial and auditory-motor coordination, spatial praxis, dynamic and static movement coordination, postural praxis, uniformity of movements, constructive praxis, and graphomotor skills. All these components can be most efficiently developed during remedial rhythmic gymnastics classes, while the preschoolers' graphomotor skills can be improved through figurative activity. According to the authors, this package of psychological and pedagogical measures will help prepare preschoolers with developmental disorders for schooling within an inclusive education system.
Keywords: psychomotor skills, motor skills, children with minor developmental disorders, remedial rhythmic gymnastics, figurative activity.
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