Use of recovery means in swimmer training


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Antipov1
E.M. Antipova1
PhD, Associate Professor D.V. Guba2
1Moscow State Regional University, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of sports training of swimmers using a complex of game-like and thermal water training methods of recovery.
Methods and structure of the study. The main research method consisted in the educational experiment aimed to study the selective influence of game exercises (outdoor and sports games) and thermal water training methods (bath and sauna) on the recovery processes after the speed-strength training of swimmers. The muscle strength rates in the swimmers were recorded before and after the test physical load, as well as 4, 10, 20, and 24 hours after the load. The recovery means being studied were as follows: outdoor and sports games, bath and sauna - used immediately after the training session, as well as 10 and 20 hours after it.
Results and conclusions. "The major contribution" to the restoration of the initial level of muscle strength was made by the first 10 hours after the training load. Subsequently (at the level of 90-95% of the baseline), the recovery rate decreased considerably and the strength rates started to gradually approach the data obtained before the training session.
Uneven recovery in muscle strength is thus a distinctive feature of the recovery period. This should be taken into account when determining the duration of rest pauses for swimmers exposed to repeated loads: similar in duration rest pauses at different stages of the after-effect are unequal. The greatest effect of prolonged relaxation time was observed in the early phases of recovery, the smallest - in the later phases.

Keywords: swimming, recovery, training load, game-like methods, thermal water training methods, bath, sauna, working capacity, muscle strength.


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