Influence of music accompaniment at fitness classes on progress in coordination abilities of female students


Postgraduate student N.V. Tashmanova
Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the impact of musical accompaniment in various fitness practices on the progress in coordination abilities of female students.
Methods and structure of the study. The experimental work was carried out at the Physical Education Department of Surgut State University as part of elective courses in the 2018/2019 academic year. The study involved 2-year students of non-sports areas of the Bachelor’s and specialist program (41 people in total). The Experimental Group (n=19) was engaged in fitness aerobics as part of sports training, while the Control Group (n = 22) practiced fitness training.
As a coordination abilities rating test students were to repeat a dance combination made of basic steps of classical aerobics; repeat the proposed rhythmic patterns after listening to them.
Research results and conclusions. The experiment resulted in a statistically significant improvement in the perception and reproduction of the rhythmic pattern of an increased complexity level in the Experimental Group compared to the Control one.
The dance combination repeating ability testing showed that at the beginning of the school year none of the girls from the Control and Experimental Group were able to accurately repeat the dance combination from the first time, 37.2% of the Experimental Group students and 41,6% Control Group students completed the task from the second attempt, and 36.7% of the Experimental Group girls and 35.2% of the Control Group ones successfully completed the task from the third attempt. 26.1% of the Experimental Group subjects and 23.2% of the Control Group ones were unable to cope with the task.
The author concludes that musical accompaniment at fitness aerobics classes to a greater extent than fitness training classes enhances motor coordination, sense and understanding of rhythm and helps the trainees reproduce rhythmic patterns.

Keywords: musical accompaniment, female students, fitness aerobics, rhythmic ability.


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