Effects of individual special strength training of qualified footballers on one-touch ball reception and pass performance


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Privalov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Nifontov1
PhD, associate professor Yu.Yu. Vishnyakova1
Senior teacher R.R. Mukhamedzanov1
1National State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for increasing the effectiveness of performance by skilled football players of such technical action as one-touch ball reception and ball passing, as well as substantiate the quantitative assessment of the degree of familiarization with the given spatial field and means of development of special strength in local physical exercises performed using the weight machines.
Methods and structure of the study. The educational experiment was carried out at the premises of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health with the support from Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 1 of the Admiralteysky District of St. Petersburg.
The methodology of correction of the spatial field parameters during the linear displacement of the football players was the main informative component of the study. The proposed methodology was based on a targeted, local power action on the leading muscle groups of the lower limbs, that are responsible for the linear displacement, performed using weight machines.
Results and conclusions. The research results indicated a direct correlation between the quantitative, parametric, assessment of the level of development of special strength fitness of the leading muscle groups of the lower limbs and the technical fitness improvement strategy chosen by a qualified football player.
The effectiveness and quality of performance of the specified motor action by the qualified football players were improved by correlating their special strength fitness rates, obtained during the execution of local physical exercises on weight machines with threshold loads, with the maximal strength rate, maximal strength reach time, and technical fitness level.

Keywords: ball reception and pass, special strength training, spatial field, technical training of football players, special training simulators.


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