Improving combat maneuver and hand-to-hand combat training of police officers during training sessions in educational institutions of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


R.M. Cherkesov1
E.B. Nastuev1
A.M. Kanukoev1
1North-Caucasian Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Nalchik

Objective of the study was to identify the priorities for improving the effectiveness of combat maneuvers and hand-to-hand combat skills of police officers studying at different educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted a questionnaire survey of 95 police officers studying at the North-Caucasian Institute of Advanced Training (branch) for Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Results of the study and conclusions. The authors propose to change the approach to teaching combat maneuvers and hand-to-hand combat techniques in physical training classes for police officers - students of the educational organization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Conceptually, this approach is based on the use of specific technical elements related to such a service-applied sport as hand-to-hand combat. Thus, the authors recommend identifying ways to improve the staff's motor skills based on the assessment of the attacking and defensive actions inherent in hand-to-hand combat. The practical significance of the study consists in the development of recommendations for the physical education teachers on the selection of teaching doctrine and definition of ways to improve the students' training in the context of the actual conditions of service and combat activities.
In the combat maneuver training of police officers, a fight must be based on supplementing their individual tactical and technical arsenal. At the same time, the authors analyze current approaches to the effectiveness of combat maneuver training of police officers as required by the departmental normative legal acts and make recommendations on how to improve their applied professional skills.

Keywords: police officer, offender, combat maneuvers, physical training.


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