Effects of sports activities on morphofunctional indicators in young male students


PhD, Associate Professor S.P. Vinokurova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Sentizova1
Master student T.V. Nemtseva1
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to identify the effects of regular sports activities on the morphofunctional development of young male students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the 16-19 year-old indigenous males (n=760), including 322 (42.37%) sporting males - Group 1 and 438 (57.63%) non-sporting males - Group 2. The study was carried out in Yakutsk under the program of unified technology to determine the level of physical development. Besides, it includes identification of the anthropometric, functional, somatotypological, and constitutional features.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of the main morphofunctional indicators of the indigenous males with different levels of motor activity revealed statistically significant differences in most of them. Sports activities affect such parameters as chest circumference, vital capacity, birth-death ratio, muscle strength, and body component composition (absolute and relative fat and muscle body mass).
The analysis of the morphofunctional indicators in the representatives of various constitutional types, depending on their sports activities, indicated the role of the genetic and phenotypic markers in the formation of the body. Significant differences were detected in the muscle and fat components indicating the effects of regular sports activities and a more harmonious physical development of athletes. In the representatives of the brachymorphic somatotype, the morphofunctional indicators did not differ significantly depending on sports activities.

Keywords: physical development of young males, morphofunctional status, constitutional characteristics, somatotypological characteristics.


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