Comparative analysis of national sports according to students engaged in elite and mass sports


PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Sentizova1
A.V. Gurieva1
A.S. Starostina1
1Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to determine the level of knowledge of athletes engaged in elite and mass sports about hapsagay and mas-wrestling.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a questionnaire survey of 200 students of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, including those of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sport engaged in elite and mass sports.
Results of the study and conclusions. The comparative analysis revealed that most respondents were interested in hapsagay and mas-wrestling and agreed that hapsagay was a popular sport among the Yakut young population.
Those engaged in elite sports believed that hapsagay and mas-wrestling primarily contribute to the development of speed-strength, strength, and speed abilities, agility, and endurance. Those engaged in mass sports gave priority to speed, agility, and strength.
The analysis of the questionnaire survey results indicated a great deal of work being done by teachers to promote and popularize such Yakut national sports as hapsagay and mas-wrestling among schoolchildren and young people.
Based on the findings, the authors argue that hapsagay and mas-wrestling are popular among the students of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. Owing to their popularity and ease of organization, Yakut national sports and folk games are an important factor in the development of the mass sports movement in the Republic of Sakha.

Keywords: physical education and sports, national sports, hapsagay, mas-wrestling, athlete, amateur athlete.


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