Physical self image versus personal reflection in sporting female students


PhD, Associate Professor O.I. Kayasheva1, 2
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor Z.G. Khanova3
PhD, Associate Professor D.N. Efremova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Pozina3
1Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow
2Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow
3Moscow University of Industry and Finance «Synergy», Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between physical Self image and personal reflection in sporting female students.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out in 2018/2019 and involved the 18-22 year-old humanitarian female students of Moscow engaged in various sports (n=100). The following methods were applied during the study: "Interpretation and evaluation of the appearance components" questionnaire by V.A. Labunskaya and E.V. Belugina, "Level of personal reflection" methodology by O.I. Kayasheva, "Interpretation and evaluation of the appearance components" questionnaire (version for women), mathematical statistics (Spearman's rank correlation) method used to determine the relationships between the components of the female university students' physical Self image and personal reflection.
Results and conclusions. The sporting female students were characterized by a higher self-assessment of own physical Self image in the present as opposed to the past; a discrepancy between the self-assessment of their body in terms of its compliance with ideal, while maintaining a positive view of own appearance; adequate evaluation of the body scheme. The girls were found to have a moderately positive and positive self-assessment of their face, appearance, look, and expressive behavior; average and high levels of personal reflection. The study enabled to identify significant relationships between the individual components of physical Self image (self-assessment of the face and expressive behavior) and personal reflection of sporting female students.

Keywords: physical Self image, reflection, personal reflection, sports activity.


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