Role of psychophysiological state in competitive activity of team athletes
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Lutkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor Yu.M. Makarov1
V.A. Minkin2
PhD, Associate Professor J.N. Nikolaenko2
PhD, Professor L.A. Egorenko1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2ELSYS Corp, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to determine a differentiated impact of psychophysiological parameters of athletes from team sports on their competitive activity as well as determine the possible combination of these parameters that would ensure the stability of competitive results.
Methods and structure of the study. The vibration imaging technology with the use of VibraMed10 software was applied as the main research method. Sampled for the study were 16 skilled rugby players. At the first stage, we assessed the subjects' psychophysiological state at rest. At the second stage, the efficiency of performance of tactical-technical actions of the rugby players was recorded during the game. The effectiveness of their technical-tactical actions was evaluated by the positive and negative actions: successful scrums, lineouts, rucks, mauls, territories won. This was followed by a comparative analysis of the game performance and individual parameters of the players' psychophysiological state.
Results and conclusions. According to the results of registration of the subjects' technical-tactical actions, all rugby players were divided into 4 groups: those with the high level of game performance - from 60 to 80%, with the average level - from 40 to 60%, with the low level - from 20 to 40%, and with the unsteady level. The rugby players with 20-40% effectiveness of technical-tactical actions were charismatic and were characterized by high self-regulation, with a marked lack of aggressiveness and energy in particular. The athletes with 40-60% efficiency of game performance demonstrated a higher level of aggressiveness and energy against the background of stable rates of charisma and self-regulation. The subjects with 60-80% effectiveness of technical-tactical actions were characterized by a unidirectional movement towards an increase in the degree of aggressiveness, self-regulation, and energy.
It was found that each individual psychophysiological indicator in athletes from team sports does not guarantee the successful performance of technical-tactical actions. It is only owing to the balance and interdependence of several incentives (in this case, aggressiveness, energy, self-regulation) that steady competitive results can be ensured.
Keywords: psychophysiological state, vibration imaging technology, competitive performance, skilled athletes from team sports.
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