Development of basic ideologies of GTO complex


Dr.Hab., Professor F.I. Sobyanin1
Postgraduate student A.V. Skabuk1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Voronkov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.P. Peresypkin1
1Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod

Objective of the study was to identify the dynamics of changes in the basic ideologies of development of Russian Physical Culture and Sports GTO Complex in Russia.
Methods and structure of the study. The data were obtained from the analysis and generalization of special literature, documents, practical experience of the GTO Complex implementation in schools and higher educational institutions of the Belgorod region in the period from 2014 to 2020. The study was conducted at the premises of the Faculty of Physical Education at the National Research University "Belgorod State University".
Results and conclusions. We analyzed the dynamics of changes in the basic ideologies of the Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" (GTO) from the moment of its introduction to the present day. This study was necessitated by the need to understand and validate the GTO Complex as the program and normative basis of the physical education system in Russia, a unique physical culture and historical phenomenon that is unrivaled throughout the world. We identified the ever-changing status of the GTO Complex and the main ideological principles in different historical periods of its existence. In terms of the acmeological and cultural approach, the GTO Complex is viewed both as a tradition and as an innovation in the sphere of physical education in Russia. Starting from the 30s of the last century and up to 2020, there were 5 main stages in the development of the basic ideologies of the Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" (GTO), which characterize its state, physical culture and historical status and give a summary of the main ideas of its functioning in terms of the economic, political, and social factors. The GTO Complex has been developed unevenly in accordance with its socio-cultural mission and leading ideas, as reflected in the historical needs of the society, and the expanding range of its functions in response to the challenges of modern society.
The analysis of the dynamics of changes in the basic ideologies of the Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labour and Defense" (GTO) helps understand the peculiarities of changes in its status as a specific phenomenon of the domestic physical culture sector, its fundamental importance in the functioning of the physical culture sector, its physical culture and historical value in the form of tradition and innovation in the ever-changing social environments.

Keywords: ideas, GTO Complex, dynamics, functions, basis.


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