Feedback during learning gymnastic exercises


Marta Nogal1
Тоmasz Niźnikowski1
1Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Health in Biała Podlaska. Department of Sports Sciences, Poland

Objective of the study was to broaden the knowledge about the influence of verbal feedback related to errors in the performance of the whole motor skill, its phases and key elements on the effectiveness of learning complex motor skills performed on the trampoline.
Structure and methods of the study. The research included 45 children (n=45) aged 6-8. The experiment and experts’ evaluation were applied as the research methods and pike jump performance technique was assessed in terms of kinematics. The study participants were randomly divided into three groups. In the first group (n=15), the subjects received verbal feedback on errors concerning the whole motor skill performance. In the second group (n=15), the participants were provided with verbal feedback on errors made in particular phases of the skill performance. In the third group (n=15), the subjects received verbal feedback on errors that occurred in key elements. In the course of pike jump learning, an increase in mean scores was noted. Both in the post-test and the retention test, the highest mean score was observed in the third group (8.46 pts and 8.36 pts, respectively) (p<0.05). In the transfer test, a decrease in mean scores was noted in this group (8.18 pts).
Conclusions. The effectiveness of learning complex motor skills is different depending on the type of verbal feedback. Feedback on errors made while performing key elements of the motor skill produces the longest lasting effects when it comes to pike jump learning.

Keywords: training, verbal feedback, trampolining.


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