Technical actions of deaf sambo wrestlers at initial training stage


A.V. Zhalilov1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to systematize technical actions of deaf sambo wrestlers at the initial training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the research works on sambo to determine the most accessible and necessary basic technical actions of deaf sambo wrestlers.
Results of the study and conclusions. The study enabled to systematize technical actions of sambo wrestlers and divide them into 4 groups: acrobatic exercises, stances, narrow support exercises, technical actions in a parterre position, technical actions in a standing position. The techniques mastered were designed to form in deaf athletes the necessary self-safety skills and the main combat actions in the parterre positions. Upon mastering these basic exercises, the athletes learned motor actions in a stance, primarily, how to loosen a grip and knock an opponent off-balance. In addition, coordination abilities were developed in the deaf athletes using the acrobatic and narrow support exercises, since they tended to lag behind in their development.
Systematization of technical actions of deaf teenage sambo wrestlers using acrobatic exercises, stances, narrow support exercises, fighting techniques in the parterre and standing positions enables to most rationally master the technical skills in this type of wrestling.

Keywords: sambo, deaf wrestlers, technical action, training process.


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