Anthropometric profiles and body composition of elite Polish senior Greco-Roman wrestlers


PhD Igor Cieśliński
University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland; Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska, Poland

Many findings indicate that anthropometric features and body composition can play an important role in assessing important aspects of competition preparedness in Greco-Roman wrestlers.
The purpose of this study was to develop the anthropometric and body composition profiles of elite Greco-Roman wrestlers with respect to their weight category and the level of performance.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted with 49 Greco-Roman wrestlers divided into lightweight (from 59 to 75 kg) and heavyweight (from 80 to 130 kg) athletes. Athletes in each weight category were additionally divided into those who won medals at the Poland Seniors Championships (successful) and those who took places from 5th to 8th (less successful)/
The anthropometric features of the study participants were determined by measuring their height, mass, and BMI, the length of the upper and lower limbs, the width of the shoulders, the width of the pelvis, the resting circumference of the arm, forearm, thigh and calf, as well as the thickness of the pectoral, biceps, subscapular, suprailiac, abdominal, medial calf and chin skinfolds (seven in total)).
Conclusions. The wrestlers’ anthropometric features and body composition contribute to a very limited extent to their ability to win medals, mostly in the lightweight categories.
In studying athletes’ anthropometric parameters, the main focus should be on their relationship with other success factors (physiological, fitness, and technical).

Keywords: anthropometric features, Greco-Roman style.


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