
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury № 7 2020


S.A. ProninTheory and methodology of competitive swimming in coverage of scientific-theoretical journal "Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kutury"© ►►►pp.3

A.O. Akopyan, U.N. Kremlev, L.A. Kulagina, O.V. DomulajanovaFunctional fitness of elite male boxers© ►►►pp.5
M.O. Leonteva, A.S. Shakhov, G.N. PonomarevFunctional status of female biathletes during medical-psychological rehabilitation using biofeedback therapy© ►►►pp.7
A.E. Bolotin, K.-J. Van Zwieten, K.J.van Zwieten, O.E. Ponimasov, N.M. Timchenko, S.S. AganovHeart rate variability analysis to assess female swimmers' fitness level© ►►►pp.10
T.V. Krasnoperova, N.B. Kotelevskaya, T.F. AbramovaPhysiological value of stabilometric studies in complex coordination sports© ►►►pp.13
V.F. Noskova, E.A. DekunetsMRNA expression of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines during tissue regeneration of skeletal muscles© ►►►pp.16

Paulina SzyszkaChanges in maximum muscle torque of knee joint extensor muscles depending on various forms of warm-up in the training microcycle© ►►►pp.19
Marcin Starzak Effects of attentional focus on flying disc throwing accuracy in terms of lateralization and throwing technique© ►►►pp.21
Wilhelm GromiszEffect of dry-land resistance training with resistance rubber bands on speed and swimming parameters© ►►►pp.24
A.I. Alifirov, I.V. Mikhailova, D.M. Pravdov, M.A. PetrovaConceptual approaches to chess training process© ►►►pp.27

A.N. Usatov, V.L. Kondakov, E.N. Kopeikina, N.V. BalyshevaEnergy consumption and replenishment in view of students' motor activity and place of residence© ►►►pp.30
O.V. Shilenko, N.N. Pyanzina, T.N. Petrova, A.I. PyanzinDynamics of endurance indicators in female students engaged in fitness aerobics© ►►►pp.33

D.N. Pukhov, A.V. Malinin, B.N. ShustinMotivational preferences and degree of involvement of schoolchildren in physical education and sports activities© ►►►pp.36
A.I. Matochkina, E.N. PetrukFamily as factor of increase in involvement of schoolchildren in physical education and sports activities© ►►►pp.39
O.F. Zhukov, Valentina Ginevichene, Valentina Ginevičienė, O.N. Andryushchenko, F.A. Shcherbina, A.F. ShcherbinaIndividualized typological approach to rating physical fitness of young males© ►►►pp.42

A.A. Baryaev, A.V. Ivanov, M.V. Aranson Functional state monitoring in junior sledge hockey players© ►►►pp.45
S.A. Vorobev, A.A. BaryaevPeculiarities of athletic training at final stage of annual training cycle for 2021 Paralympic Games© ►►►pp.48
I.N. Bakai, A.I. Seselkin, N.V. Karpova, A.V. KornevKids training aids in application to preschoolers with biliary tract dysfunctions© ►►►pp.51
Agnieszka KędraNon-specific back pain, physical activity and ways of coping with pain among school-aged children and youth© ►►►pp.54
A.V. Kornev, V.G. Medvedev, M.A. PravdovQuantitative and temporal characteristics of technical actions with a ball in goalball players of different physical fitness groups© ►►►pp.57

A.A. Kuzmenko, T.K. Kim, G.A. KuzmenkoConditions for training junior hockey players to implement speed-strength capabilities when performing complex coordinated technical actions© ►►►pp.60
V.Yu. Karpov, M.V. Eremin, A.I. Alifirov, E.D. BakulinaOptimal model of speed dynamics in 400 m run in junior athletes© ►►►pp.63

O.N. Polukhin, V.P. Babinsev, C.V. Goncharuk, Ya.A. GoncharukProject-based approach to management of development of academic educational and physical and sports environment© ►►►pp.66

Igor CieślińskiAnthropometric profiles and body composition of elite Polish senior Greco-Roman wrestlers© ►►►pp.69
V.P. Guba, R.V. Belyutin, E.E. AchkasovCoronavirus as new reality of sports-specific discourse© ►►►pp.72

«TRAINER” – journal in journal
I.G. Maksimenko, G.N. Maksimenko, I.G. Komarova, D.N. Baeva Speed and speed-strength fitness of athletes specializing in various sports games© ►►►pp.76
I.N. Nikulin, A.V. Posokhov, A.V. Voronkov, M.D. VasilievCompetitive performance results of different national teams at European armwrestling championships© ►►►pp.78
N.B. Novikova, G.G. Zakharov, A.V. VoronovBiomechanical characteristics of V1 skate technique of elite Nordic combined skiers© ►►►pp.82
N.A. Kurochkina, P.P. Nikolaev, E.A. Bogomolova, V.P. GubaModern interpretation of quality assessment of opponent's service return in volleyball© ►►►pp.85
S.M. Lukina, L.V. Mitenkova, V.P. Demesh, V.D. GetmanPsychophysiological characteristics of female participants of interuniversity cheersport competitions© ►►►pp.87

V.V. Apokin, V.S. Pavlovskaya, V.D. Povzun Functional state of cardiovascular system in highly-skilled swimmers at latitudinal displacement© ►►►pp.89
M.N. Malkov, I.E. Yudenko, S.I. LoginovGender-specific characteristics of daily physical activity in persons with visual and hearing impairments© ►►►pp.92
N.I. Sinyavsky, S.M. Obukhov, A.V. Fursov, V.Yu. LosevPreschoolers’ physical fitness tests in "BGTOshka" GTO project© ►►►pp.95

O.N. Stepanova, D.O. Moreev, D.P. Stepanova, E.N. LatushkinaImage of women’s Olympic disciplines in single-sex sports© ►►►pp.98
A.G. Gretsov, S.A. Vorobev, A.A. AntselovichValue-motivational aspects of anti-doping education© ►►►pp.101
V.N. Irkhin, I.V. Irkhina, S.I. Ostapenko, L.E. PakhomovaAlgorithmic approach in physical education system© ►►►pp.104

E.V. KuzmichevaApproval of sports and entertainment programs with elements of folk games in general educational school© ►►►pp.12
S.Yu. Zavalishina, A.S. MakhovPhysiologically justified healthy lifestyle cultivating method among youth by means of physical education© ►►►pp.15
L.G. Ulyaeva, Z.T. UsmanovaPsychological competency of trainers and parents of junior athletes© ►►►pp.18
E.I. Andrianova, S.I. KarabaevaMaster student training for methodological support of physical development of preschoolers using case technologies© ►►►pp.23
P.Yu. Tarasov, L.V. Tarasova, V.A. Pankov Technical fitness criteria of qualified archers© ►►►pp.26
L.P. Shustova, S.V. Danilov Competency of physical education teachers in gender approach in education: development potential in career development system© ►►►pp.32
A.L. Pokhachevsky, S.V. Bulatetskiy, Yu.V. Shuliko, A.B. Petrov, M.Yu. BudnikovSustainability of athletes’ adaptation characteristics before and after training© ►►►pp.41
B.Kh. LandaAlgorithmization of physical condition diagnostics in schoolchildren© ►►►pp.53
G.P. Chernyavsky, Yu.V. Melnikova, N.A. FominaEnhancing motor expressiveness in professional practical physical training process of future actors© ►►►pp.62
G.K. RazhabovActions to improve performance and reliability of competitive activities of skilled boxers© ►►►pp.81
A.S. Makhov, I.N. Medvedev Functional body changes under neurocirculatory dystonia on background of regular physical activity© ►►►pp.106