Speed-strength training method based on impact of muscular resonance on human body
PhD A.R. Mamaev1
N.V. Dusina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Shigaev1
K.N. Sokolov2
1Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseviev, Saransk
2Children and youth sports school of Kovylkinsk municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia, Kovylkino
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the speed-strength training method used to increase man’s functional capacities.
Methods and structure of the study. We used the speed-strength exercises with weighs of not more than 25-30% of the body weight of a physically fit individual. A series of anaerobic speed-strength exercises was used with a jerk at the beginning of the exercise or an accent at the end of its execution, with a short amplitude of motor activity and at a constant pace while maintaining the heart rate and with an abrupt completion in coincidence with a jerk, or accented execution of the speed-strength exercise, with a pause between the jerks. The goal of the speed-strength training is to achieve a coincidence of the heart beat with the time of the jerk, or accent of the speed-strength exercise and completion and pause, which is called the resonance of the human body.
Results of the study and conclusions. Eupnoea during all the speed-strength exercises keeps the heart rate from increasing; moreover, it leads the heart rate up to the frequency of the performed speed-strength exercise. In addition, the nervous system is not involved, which has a sedative effect and also improves the physical working capacity at the resting heart rate of 42 out of 42 per minute to 100%, while under physical loads (increase in the heart rate up to 200 bpm) there is an increase of more than 5 times. Therefore, even with no preliminary preparation, a person can be trained to enhance the working capacity of their body, that is, to use the proposed methodology during the therapeutic physical training sessions, as well as in the fitness clubs, in the period of rehabilitation after surgery, injuries.
Keywords: speed-strength training, resonance of the human body, anaerobic glycolysis, body’s functional resources.
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- Available at: htp: //www/manwb.ru/articles/science/natural_science/Resonans_NAtAdnoral/#.