Patriotic education of students of general education institutions during track and field trainings


PhD, Associate Professor T.G. Arutyunyan1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor A.G. Galimova3
PhD, Associate Professor E.K. Kyrgys4
PhD D.G. Radchenko1
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk
2Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
3Eastern Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irkutsk
4Tuvan State University, Kyzyl

Objective of the study was to develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of an integrated program of physical and patriotic education of comprehensive school children.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the experiment were 49 schoolchildren tested with similar physical fitness rates, including 26 children engaged in an integrated program of physical and patriotic education. In this process, pedagogical relationships were formed according to the "man-book-man" principle. During the sprint training period, asymmetrical loads (200-350 g ankle cuffs) were used. With the stronger right leg, the weights were attached to the student’s left leg, and with the strongest left leg – to the right one.
Results of the study. Before the September experiment, the results obtained in the CG and EG did not differ statistically significantly. In the EG, the differences between the pre-test and post-test rates were statistically significant, while those in the CG were insignificant. An anonymous questionnaire survey was also conducted behind closed doors before and after the experiment.
Conclusion. The track and field test results in the EG were higher than in the CG. The pedagogical relationships formed according to the "man-book-man" principle and based on a special course of track and field trainings were proved beneficial.

Keywords: education, patriotism, track-and-field athletics, special course, program, students, process.


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