Introduction of extra-curricular activities in educational process of students-managers
L.P. Obyedkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.V. Kuzmicheva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to develop and experimentally substantiate a complex of extra-curricular activities to ensure mastering professional competencies by students majoring in Management (38.03.02).
Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to identify students' interests and needs within a relatively wider scope of major academic subjects; identify the most effective extra-curricular means of student training for classroom studies (teachers' opinion polling); develop a list of necessary and accessible extra-curricular activities, develop a timetable for their implementation in the process of mastering the academic disciplines and forming appropriate competencies.
Study results and conclusions. The four-year experiment on implementation of extra-curricular activities in self-guided work of bachelors majoring in "Management" discipline (38.03.02), specializing in "Sports Management", revealed statistically significant differences in the rates of development of professional competencies in the EG and CG students. The overall results demonstrated by the EG graduates in all six disciplines of the eighth semester were statistically significantly different from those obtained in the CG. The findings confirmed the hypothesis about the improvement of efficiency of the development of professional competencies by students-managers.
Keywords: professional competences, manager, extracurricular activities.
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