Influence of athlete's physical fitness level on respiratory and circulatory functions


I.V. Grigoryeva1
E.G. Volkova1
U.G. Fomina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Kuznetsov1
S.K. Valiev1
1Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov, Voronezh

Objective of the study was to determine the effects of the athlete's physical fitness level on his respiratory and circulatory functions.
Methods and structure of the study. We conducted a comparative analysis of the physical fitness levels of low-skilled athletes and non-sporting individuals. Sampled for the study were 34 Masters of Sport, 44 Class I and II athletes and 24 Class III athletes, and 102 beginner athletes including 84 males and 18 females. A total of 580 athletes were examined. During the experiment, we took and analyzed about 1,100 samples of exhaled air. The test was designed to detect the effects of submaximal intensity muscle work on the functional shifts of the whole body. The participants performed exercises at an increasing pace, and then at the maximum speed for 1-2 minutes, after which the exhaled air was taken to determine its quantity and quality.
Study results and conclusions. The conducted observations and analysis of the data obtained indicated that the athletes' oxygen consumption rates complied with their sports achievements, which enabled both the athletes and coaches to better orient in the means of improving muscular performance, as well as give a more accurate estimate of the physical fitness level.
The data on the maximum oxygen consumption enable both athletes and coaches to better orient in the means of improving muscular performance, contribute to the proper design of the training session, and also more accurately assess the level of physical fitness. All of this is of great theoretical and practical importance.

Keywords: fitness, oxygen consumption, submaximal intensity, training, sports activity.


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