Adaptive physical education of mentally retarded elementary school children based on mot


E.V. Naumova
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate, develop, test and evaluate the effectiveness of the adaptive physical education of elementary school children diagnosed with mental retardations allowing for their motor activity level.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were the 8-10 year-old schoolchildren diagnosed with mild mental retardations (n=48). Implementation of the methodology called for the accounting of the level of motor activity of junior schoolchildren, determined by the step measuring method, correction of the tasks, means and methods of pedagogical influences, teaching children the techniques of regulation of own psychoemotional state. The self-regulation skills were developed by stages as recommended by M. Passolt and E. Kiphard.
Study results and conclusions. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology was confirmed by the significant shifts in the indicators of social adaptation and psychoemotional state of elementary school children with mental retardations. There was a statistically significant improvement of the speed-strength abilities of the upper limb muscles, static balance and speed-strength endurance of the abdominal muscles in junior schoolchildren diagnosed with mental retardations.

Keywords: intellectual disabilities, mental retardation, motor activity, elementary school children, social adaptation.


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