Physical rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with acute cerebral circulatory disorders
Postgraduate student I.A. Karaseva1
L.E. Dobrovolskaya2
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Kuzmin3
V.V. Bobkov4
1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow
2Bakhrushin brothers City Clinical Hospital Outpatient Department, Moscow
3Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
4Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow
Objective of the study was to detect a correlation between the patient's rehabilitation potential and conditions for carrying out the entire complex of rehabilitation measures.
Methods and structure of the study. 20 specialists, including 2 doctors of sciences (1 – medical sciences and 1 – biological sciences), 6 candidates of sciences (4 – medical sciences and 2 – biological sciences, as well as the neurology department staff, physical therapy instructors acted as experts. The respondents' professional experience amounted to 5 years.
Study results and conclusions. Most experts believe that all the above factors that limit the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures can be divided into two groups. The first group of reasons is related to the low rehabilitation potential of patients diagnosed with acute cerebral circulatory disorders. This includes the psychophysiological state of the patient, on which his rehabilitation potential depends: age,comorbid conditions, zone and area of brain impact (damage). The second group of reasons is related to the degree of effectiveness of the rehabilitation means and methods applied by medical personnel, doctors, physical therapy instructors and relatives of the patient.
Based on the data obtained, the authors gave recommendations on how to organize the process of restoration of household activities of patients diagnosed with acute cerebral circulatory disorders, labor activity, ability to lead a normal life, self-service skill refreshment.
Keywords: ischemic stroke, rehabilitation, expert assessment, physical therapy, coordinator, cognitive impairment, concomitant diseases, factors, acute cerebrovascular accident.
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