Influence of vocational training specialization on students' physical fitness level
PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Sukhinina1
T.I. Bonko1
A.Yu. Kolesnikova1
O.A. Nitsina1
1Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of physical fitness levels of students of different vocational training specializations.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 853 2nd-year students from different faculties of ISU (Natural Biology, Physics and Mathematics, Humanities), including 335 boys and 518 girls. The experiment was carried out from 2008 through 2017 academic years.
The subjects' physical fitness was rated while testing their basic motor qualities using control speed exercises; speed-strength endurance of muscles - flexors of the trunk; strength and strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle; dynamic strength of the lower limb muscles; active flexibility of the spine and hip joints, overall endurance. The statistical processing methods applied were as follows: calculation of the sample volume (n), determination of differences using the Fischer criterion, with the significance level of α<0.01, 0.05.
Study results and conclusions. It was found that the highest level of development of speed abilities (in the 100m run test), speed-strength abilities of the lower limbs (standing long jump), strength of the trunk muscles were characteristic for the young males of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. The humanitarian male students were distinguished by the high values of strength of the shoulder girdle muscles (upper limbs), while the female students demonstrated the highest rates (pull-ups). The female Physics and Mathematics students were characterized by the high level of development of speed and overall endurance skills.
Consequently, in order to form in students the basic physical qualities, physical education teachers are to consider the training specialization of a future specialist.
Keywords: students, physical fitness, specialization.
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