GTO complex implementation quality rating in general educational system
Postgraduate student S.S. Galanova
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate, develop and test by experiment the methodology of estimation of the GTO Complex implementation quality by the general education schools.
Methods and structure of the study. The results of work of 21 general education schools of the Tchaikovsky municipal district (Perm region) in terms of implementation of Stage III GTO Complex involving the 11-12 year-old schoolchildren served as a research subject. Implementation of this methodology implied the calculation of an integral estimate based on the criteria similar to those used for estimating the quality of the GTO Complex implementation in the regions of the Russian Federation and municipalities.
Study results and conclusions. The integral rate calculation was carried out according to the following algorithm: the greatest value of each criterion for estimating the quality of the GTO Complex implementation is ranked and then, gradually, as the score total decreases, the corresponding ranks are conferred, and each educational institution is graded. All scores for each coefficient are summed up to determine the place of the institution in the rating based on the total score (it appears that the higher the criterion for estimating the quality of the GTO Complex implementation by educational institutions, the higher the rank, with the 1st one being the most important).
The authors conclude that the proposed method of estimation of the quality of the GTO Complex implementation in the general educational system complements the existing system of monitoring its implementation at the municipal level; it forms the basis for the necessary managerial decisions made both by the head of the general educational institution and that of municipal education; serves as a tool for determining the most advanced forms and activities for the promotion and popularization of the GTO Complex.
Keywords: GTO complex, educational organizations, GTO complex implementation quality rating, GTO complex stage III.
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