Analysis of effectiveness of diagnostic methods used to monitor cardiovascular system of elite footballers
PhD I.S. Tamozhnikova
Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
Objective of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of diagnostic methods used to monitor the cardiovascular system of athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. Sampled for the study were 150 active football players. We analyzed their heart rate and conducted a stress test.
Study results and conclusions. The study data and analyses found that the number of elite athletes, whose physiological indicators and ECG rates at rest corresponded to all the criteria described in the classical literature, was relatively low (22.4%). During the test, there were no changes in the state of myocardium either. Subject to the stress test were the athletes with the boundary ECG rates (74.6%). During the stress test, the overwhelming majority of athletes (70.8%) did not demonstrate any clinically significant rhythm disturbances or cardiac conduction disorder. Moreover, rhythm disturbances and cardiac repolarization disappeared during exercise. Therefore, a more thorough study revealed a number of clear changes that had not been recorded during a standard, stress-free ECG and constitute grounds for additional studies. Thus, the additional study enabled to run a differential diagnostics of physiological and pathological changes associated with both low heart rate and other changes in electrocardiogram in individuals whose activities are related to the constant performance of continuous and heavy physical loads.
Based on the data obtained, the authors conclude that it is only new approaches to the CVS analysis, namely the creation of a multi-level system of express assessment of the myocardial condition indices, that could reduce the risk of development of sports pathologies, improve professional skills, reduce the number of irreversible cardiac pathologies, improve the quality of life of ex-athletes.
Keywords: diagnostics, cardiovascular system, athletes, electrocardiogram.
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