Physical mechanism of barbell snatch
Applicant A.A. Atlas
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to determine the contribution of physical mechanisms of barbell snatch to the height of the height to which the barbell is lifted by means of a theoretical analysis.
Study results and conclusions. The analysis of special literature revealed that the essence of physical mechanism of barbell acceleration is the need to raise the exercise equipment along the S-shaped trajectory using the centripetal force acting on the barbell in the final acceleration and unsupported squat phases. For the purpose of effective implementation of this mechanism, the athlete must move the barbell toward his own body by 8-9 cm (5.1±1.5% of the body length) in the pre-acceleration and transition phases and by the beginning of the final acceleration phase raise the barbell to a height approximately corresponding to the pelvic area.
Keywords: system research methods, movement mechanism, biomechanics of weightlifting exercises.
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