Training system informatization process in volleyball


PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Nechushkin1
Independent expert N.N. Chubukov1
1Bauman Moscow state technical university, Moscow

Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the introduction into the training and competitive processes of the most recent advances in information, biomechanical, sensitivity technologies and communication media.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied during the study: informative-receptive, analytical, analysis of scientific and methodological literature. Computer processing of the data obtained was performed using a factor analysis.
Study results and conclusions. The article considers a scientific-methods substantiation of introduction into the training and competitive processes of the most recent advances in information, biomechanical, sensitivity technologies and communication media. We developed a conceptual framework for achieving high competitive results in volleyball tournaments, reflecting the relationship between the main ingredients of victory in volleyball tournaments. The central element of the scheme is a volleyball court, which line marking is linked to the trajectory-dynamic characteristics of the ball and current coordinates of the players in terms of the integrable increase in the number of movements: when moving around the court and moving the ball. The model of the game is covered by contours: tactical, within the current volleyball match, and strategic, determining the match win.
The conceptual framework involves factors that determine both personal excellence and teamwork. The game is described by a system of dynamic equations, where state variables are calculated and updated on the basis of continuously recorded data: trajectory of the ball, distribution of volleyball players on the volleyball court, their motor kinematics and dynamics of movements, actions with the ball. Therefore, effective digital volleyball simulation contributes to the optimization of managerial decision-making in sports training system.

Keywords: position, volleyball, digitalization, extreme task, training process, competition


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