Digital technologies for objective assessment of Russian physical culture and sports GTO complex tests
PhD A.B. Petrov2
A.B. Perlov1
Rauf Azer Ogly Agaev3
G.М. Lavruhina2
1Neva Engineering, St. Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
3Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
Objecrtive of the study was to scientifically substantiate application of digital technologies as a means of objectification of evaluation of the Russian Physical Culture and Sport GTO Complex test results.
Methods and structure of research. To address the task at hand, we developed and tested in the centers of testing of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health and Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg. The Automated Refereeing System, consisting of a portable set of wireless identification modules, test control modules and a mini-scoreboard, working on special software for processing test results. A total of 50 students were sampled for the study.
Research results and discussion. The analysis of the test results clearly indicated higher accuracy and objectivity of the results of automated refereeing and significant economy of time allotted for testing. It is also noted that automated testing as provided by the standards of the Russian Physical Culture and Sport GTO Complex requires half as many referees.
Conclusion. Automation significantly minimizes judicial errors and increases objectivity of evaluation of test results. Therefore, assimilation of digital engineering technologies in the Russian Physical Culture and Sport GTO Complex is justified and improves refereeing integrity.
Keywords: GTO complex tests, digital sports technologies, sports engineering, organization of testing processes, methods of sports refereeing, objectivity of refereeing.
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