Stick grip specifics in mas-wrestling


Postgraduate V.N. Loginov1
Associate Professor P.I. Sobakin2
Postgraduate N.N. Sivtsev2
PhD E.P. Fedorov2
1St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute for Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
2Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Objective of the study was to analyze the effects of the internal and external stick hold positions on the outcome of a bout.
Methods and structure of research. During the study, we analyzed 186 bouts, 123 of which - with a right-hand external grip, 63 - with a left-hand external one, 123 - with a left-hand internal grip and 63 - with a right-hand internal one. Having studied the peculiarities of the grip selection, and taking into account the contest rules, starting position (attack, waiting universal wagon, defense) and movements along the board during a bout, we decided to use the terms "right-hand position" (right hand is palm up) and "left-hand position" (left hand is palm up).
Results of the study. The data obtained during the analysis of competitive performance at the mas-wrestling championship of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) showed that 66% of bouts were conducted with the right-hand (external) stick hold position and 34% - with the left-hand (external) one. Out of 123 bouts with the right-hand position (external grip), 63% were won, 37% were lost. Out of 63 bouts with the left-hand position (external grip), 35% were won, 65% - lost.
Conclusion. At this stage of mas-wrestling development, it is the right-hand position that dominates. The study showed that when choosing a stick hold position, in case of an external grip, athletes are guided by the strength of their hands and thus take the stick with their strong hand, in our case - the right-hand grip. The choice of the grip type directly affects the starting left-hand or right-hand position and, in general, the algorithm of technical and tactical actions.

Keywords: mas-wrestling, internal and external stick hold positions, left-hand and right-hand positions, wrist strength, offensive and defensive actions, mas (stick).


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