Theoretical and methodological substantiation of running speed rating conditions and factors


A.N. Katenkov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Anisimova1
Postgraduate student E.M. Novikova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk

Objective of the study was to increase the sprint running speed based on the factors that determine the effectiveness of training and competitive activities.
Methods and structure of research. The study was conducted on the basis of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Ulyanov from 2017 to 2018. Two groups were formed: Control (CG) and Experimental (EG), 12 sprinters each.
The training sessions in the CG were conducted according to the traditional methodology in accordance with the athletic training program for qualified sprinters as recommended by the All-Russia Athletic Federation; in the EG, we applied a specially developed methodology that considers the pedagogical conditions and factors affecting the speed of running.
Results of the study. The educational experiment showed that the main pedagogical conditions and factors contributing to the improvement of effectiveness of the training and competitive activities of sprinters are as follows: ensuring gradual adaptation of athletes to muscle loads; conditions that exclude stresses of different nature; a system of special pedagogical influences that ensure the creation of a situation of success, increase of self-confidence, formation of a sense of satisfaction from trainings, realization of creative abilities and inclinations.
Conclusion. The effectiveness of training loads in sprint running is largely determined by the ability of the coach and athlete to rationally program the training system, taking into account the conditions and factors that contribute to the increase in the speed of running steps.

Keywords: sprint, pedagogical conditions, factors.


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