Sport skill level in context of individual moral orientation assessment


Postgraduate student M.V. Popova1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.K. Veselova2
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor E.Yu. Korzhova2
PhD T.A. Makarova1
1Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
2Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze the influence of various sport skill levels on moral orientation of athletes’ personality.
Methods and structure of research. 3 samplings were formed (n=374) for the study purposes. Sampling 1 involved 124 student-athletes having sports qualifications of Master of Sports (MS) and Candidate Master of Sports (CMS). Sampling 2 was made of 124 student-athletes with Class I-III qualifications. Sampling 3 comprised 124 athletes having no sports qualifications. To assess the level of moral orientation of the respondents, the projective method of immersion in a situation of moral choice - "Friend and Advisor - 2" - was applied.
Results of the study. The study found statistically significant differences in the level of moral orientation between the MS, CMS, and mass-class athletes and those without any sports qualifications. The common indicators of moral orientation - the number of positive choices and the general morality index – were significantly higher in the athletes with the highest qualification than in those having lower qualifications. The moral sphere indicators, presented in the table as a frequency of statements by certain categories, indicated the same: the highly skilled athletes demonstrated a much more mature personality attitude to moral choice. They mostly rely on the internal motives of moral choice, talk of conscience; give considerably less difficult advice and discuss unrelated matters; when making a moral choice, they experience much more positive emotions than negative ones; they are less likely to have emotional alienation or make a conditional choice.
Conclusions. Achievement of the high level of sports qualification requires personal maturity, which manifests itself in the higher level of moral orientation.

Keywords: morality, moral orientation, moral choice, students, athletes of various skills levels.


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