Excelling training of junior heavy weight judokas for high-speed confrontation strategy
Postraduate student E.A. Kabanova1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor G.A. Kuzmenko1
Dr.Hab., Professor Ch.T. Ivankov1
1Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify factors of unsuccessful execution of technical and tactical operations and actions by junior judokas associated with the display of speed and motor coordination abilities.
Methods and structure of research. In the course of the study the following research methods were used: pedagogical (video) analysis of the training process of the 15-16 year-old judokas of heavy weight categories; self-analysis of the reasons for their competitive failures; factor, cluster, and correlation data analyses. Sampled for the study were the judo coaches (n=47) and young judokas aged 15-16 years (n=83) of Sambo-70 Sports and Education Center of Moscomsport (Moscow), including those participating in the Championship of Russia, Championship of Moscow from 2018 to 2019.
Results of the study. The attitude survey conducted among the judo coaches and young judokas of heavy weight categories revealed the factors that lead to the loss of advantage over an opponent. Among them are: 1) insufficient development of velocity component of force while maintaining stability in explosive dynamic situations; 2) insufficient psychomotor preparedness for situational confrontation with an opponent; 3) insufficient adjustability of movements against the background of implementation of explosive efforts. According to the cluster analysis, the basic difficulties in the implementation of a high-speed strategy of confrontation among young judokas of heavy weight categories, as well as the required work associated with their minimization include: "development of explosive force and maneuverability of actions in the struggle for a hold" – "instant response to the opponent’s actions"; "instantaneous realization of explosive efforts to take the opponent down" – "speed-strength confrontation when the opponent stops moving to change the trajectory of counterattack"; "improvement of the disengaging technique" – "development of speed endurance in order to maintain the pace of confrontation by the end of a bout"; "development of speed of response to the opponent’s actions in order to get ahead on his locks" – "playing with forecasts of the opponent’s actions, development of the skill to quickly and forcefully enter the "leading" position to dominate in holds and plan attacks"; "development of hand grip strength" – "development of dynamic stability during explosive counteractions".
Conclusion. The identified problem initiates the need for timely, starting from the initial training stage, development in junior judokas of heavy weight categories of special speed and motor coordination abilities in simulated situations of competitive activity, with due regard to the identified difficulties and ways to combine the means of special physical and technical training.
Keywords: junior judokas, training process, heavy weight categories, development of speed and motor coordination abilities, selective targeting.
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