Prospects for ecopsychological studies of physical education and sports environment of educational institutions


Dr.Phil., Professor A.I. Panyukov1
Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor Yu.G. Panyukova2
Dr.Sc.Hist., Professor I.M. Kornilova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.F. Ponizovkina1
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze psychologically acceptable indicators of representation of the physical education and sports environment of educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. The methods included study of the related literature, theoretical analysis of information, allocation of components of the investigated problem, systematization of selected facts, definition of general and various features of the phenomenon under study.
Results of the study. The authors analyzed the theoretical approaches to and methodological tools for the realization of the opportunity to conduct an eco-psychological study of the physical culture and sports environment of educational institutions. The methodological paradigm, within which it was suggested that the research should be conducted, rests on the eco-psychological approach – a separate direction that has developed in Russian psychology and is focused on the interpretation of the characteristics of subject-environment interactions as psychologically acceptable indicators.
Conclusions. The article outlines the main provisions of the eco-psychological approach to the physical education and sports environment of educational institutions, and presents the analysis of the methodological tools making it possible to perform the empirical validation of the considered theoretical provisions. It is assumed that the data obtained during the study of the features of representation of the physical culture and sports environment of educational institutions conducted by the students and teachers will help determine the "resource"- and "deficit"-related directions of optimization of the sports and physical education environment.

Keywords: ecopsychological approach, physical education and sports environment, educational institutions, psychological representation of physical education and sports environment, formal features of representation of physical education and sports environment, informative features of representation of physical education and sports environment.


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